Download AGM Minutes 2019 Download AGM Minutes 2019
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in St Mary’s Church Sunday 28 April 2019 Chair: Rev. Geoff Boucher Present: 30 Parishioners Vestry Meeting 1. Thanks Guy Morton and Mike Batchelor were thanked for their service and dedication to the church over the last 12 months. 2. Election of Church Wardens Guy Morton and Mike Batchelor were elected (proposed by Simon Summers, seconded by Sarah Holden, all in favour). Meeting closed. Annual Parochial Church Meeting 1. Minutes of the 2018 AGM were agreed as accurate. Proposed by Guy Morton, seconded by Simon Summers, the proposal was passed. 2. Electoral Roll Report was shared by Paul Bowerman (Electoral Roll Officer). Currently 103 on the register, a reduction of 35 since 2018. 74 residents of Houghton & Wyton and Wyton-on-the-Hill, 29 non-residents. The report was approved. Paul is stepping down as Electoral Roll Officer, thanks were extended to him for all his work. 3. Annual Report was approved. Proposed by Guy Morton, seconded by Mike Batchelor, all in favour. 4. Financial Report was stepped through by Simon Summers (Treasurer). Highlights included; General Fund – a positive financial position for the church to be in with total receipts of £59,446 v. payments of £41,198. Regular giving has increased and returned to the level of 2/3 years ago. Total income is down slightly due to not having a particular ‘theme’ to fund raise for last year. Total outgoings – missionary and charitable giving decreased due to specific one off events in 2017 that increased the amount of giving. There was nothing comparable in 2018. The PCC have already elected to give to a few causes in 2019. Regular maintenance of the church was low and there is a backlog in expenses not claimed by Clergy that we expect to be rectified this year. Fabric fund – didn’t raise any income but had costs of £4,441 which were transferred in from the General Fund. Churchyard fund – we benefited from funding from the Parish Council to restore the church gates. Organ fund – will close down due to work completed. Tower fund – a project is being developed to complete works in the bell tower in 2019. St Mary’s Centre – we have transferred £10k to leave a balance in the account in case of adversity. Outside painting will start in the next week. Booking income back up again, Parish Council is our biggest tenant and underpin the finances for St Mary’s Centre. A healthy position of £695 excess of receipts over payments for 2018. Specific funds given through donations – no big news stories to report. Individual donations – the congregation were asked to consider any specific charities they would like the Pastoral Committee and PCC to donate to in 2019. Thanks were noted to Gerry Feakes for managing the St Mary’s Centre bookings and finances. And to Ray King-Underwood for examining the accounts and for his energy as Gift Aid and Parish Giving Scheme Co- ordinator. Questions raised by congregation 1. What is the Charities Aid Foundation that we have donations from? Simon explained it is a way of donating to the church that has tax advantages for some individuals and offered to share further details if needed. 2. Can the PCC consider allocating funds to maintain Wyton Churchyard? Simon Summers welcomed the suggestion and took an action to discuss with Mike Batchelor. 3. Can you confirm the donation to the Royal British Legion is that from the collection? It was confirmed. Acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Jenny Thompson, seconded by Bill Brown, all in favour. The Chair thanked Simon for his work on the accounts throughout the year. 5. Fabric, Goods and Ornaments Report is included in the main Annual Report so nothing further to add. All is well! 6. Huntingdon Deanery Synod Report. The Synod continues to meet 4 times a year and the focus for 2018 was on the reorganisation of parishes, the church plant of St Barnabas in Huntingdon and the work of the secondary schools co-ordinator. There was a suggestion that the congregation would benefit from seeing future minutes from PCC and Deanery Synod meetings. It was agreed that minutes from those meetings and from the St Mary’s Strategy Working Group, will be published on the church web site and printed on the church notice board in the porch for all to see. We will also consider adding highlights to the weekly pew sheets to keep all informed. 7. Election of PCC members took place with Debbie Hollis being re-elected for another term (proposed by Graham Sterne, seconded by Jeanie Batchelor, all in favour). New members were elected; Roger Churchill and Andrew Taylor are welcomed to the PCC (proposed by Sandra Blakes, seconded by Simon Summers, all in favour). Members leaving the PCC include Sue Feakes, Charlotte Saunderson and Hayley Challinor. 8. Election of Deputy Church Wardens took place and Joy Bell was duly elected. There remains a vacancy for a Deputy Church Warden. 9. Election of Electoral Roll Officer took place with Richard Ashford duly elected (proposed by Paul Bowerman, seconded by Liz Sterne, all in favour). 10. Election of Sidespeople took place with all 17 re-elected and thanked by Sandra Blakes for all their hard work. The Chair thanked Sandra for organising rotas. A request was made for more sidespeople, especially at the 0830 services. Guy Morton shared our intention to recruit ‘greeters’ to meet people as they come in to church services and asked for interested parties to make themselves known. 11. Election of Gift Aid Secretary took place with Ray King-Underwood agreeing to continue (proposed by Simon Summers, seconded by Barbara Midgley, all in favour). 12. Appointment of Independent Examiner took place with Ray King-Underwood agreeing to continue (proposed by Mike Batchelor, seconded by Simon Summers, all in favour). 13. AOB Jenny Thompson announced the Coffee Pot will be closing after 10 years on 21 May 2019. The Chair thanked Jenny and Shirley Brown for their service to the Coffee Pot over the years. Sandra Blakes thanked those on the coffee rota and noted that we are trying to reduce the use of non-reusable cups so those that can were requested to bring their own cup to services were possible. 14. Date, time for 1st meeting of new PCC will be 30 May 2019, after the 7pm service of Holy Communion for Ascension Day, in the St Mary’s Centre Closing remarks: The Chair thanked everyone for sustaining the life of St Mary’s in his absence over the last year.
St Mary, Houghton with Wyton Parochial Church Council Diocesan Vision: We pray to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ
Latest PCC and Fabric Committee Minutes
St Mary, Houghton with Wyton Parochial Church Council
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in St Mary’s Church Sunday 28 April 2019 Chair: Rev. Geoff Boucher Present: 30 Parishioners Vestry Meeting 1. Thanks Guy Morton and Mike Batchelor were thanked for their service and dedication to the church over the last 12 months. 2. Election of Church Wardens Guy Morton and Mike Batchelor were elected (proposed by Simon Summers, seconded by Sarah Holden, all in favour). Meeting closed. Annual Parochial Church Meeting 1. Minutes of the 2018 AGM were agreed as accurate. Proposed by Guy Morton, seconded by Simon Summers, the proposal was passed. 2. Electoral Roll Report was shared by Paul Bowerman (Electoral Roll Officer). Currently 103 on the register, a reduction of 35 since 2018. 74 residents of Houghton & Wyton and Wyton-on-the- Hill, 29 non-residents. The report was approved. Paul is stepping down as Electoral Roll Officer, thanks were extended to him for all his work. 3. Annual Report was approved. Proposed by Guy Morton, seconded by Mike Batchelor, all in favour. 4. Financial Report was stepped through by Simon Summers (Treasurer). Highlights included; General Fund – a positive financial position for the church to be in with total receipts of £59,446 v. payments of £41,198. Regular giving has increased and returned to the level of 2/3 years ago. Total income is down slightly due to not having a particular ‘theme’ to fund raise for last year. Total outgoings – missionary and charitable giving decreased due to specific one off events in 2017 that increased the amount of giving. There was nothing comparable in 2018. The PCC have already elected to give to a few causes in 2019. Regular maintenance of the church was low and there is a backlog in expenses not claimed by Clergy that we expect to be rectified this year. Fabric fund – didn’t raise any income but had costs of £4,441 which were transferred in from the General Fund. Churchyard fund – we benefited from funding from the Parish Council to restore the church gates. Organ fund – will close down due to work completed. Tower fund – a project is being developed to complete works in the bell tower in 2019. St Mary’s Centre – we have transferred £10k to leave a balance in the account in case of adversity. Outside painting will start in the next week. Booking income back up again, Parish Council is our biggest tenant and underpin the finances for St Mary’s Centre. A healthy position of £695 excess of receipts over payments for 2018. Specific funds given through donations – no big news stories to report. Individual donations – the congregation were asked to consider any specific charities they would like the Pastoral Committee and PCC to donate to in 2019. Thanks were noted to Gerry Feakes for managing the St Mary’s Centre bookings and finances. And to Ray King-Underwood for examining the accounts and for his energy as Gift Aid and Parish Giving Scheme Co-ordinator. Questions raised by congregation 1. What is the Charities Aid Foundation that we have donations from? Simon explained it is a way of donating to the church that has tax advantages for some individuals and offered to share further details if needed. 2. Can the PCC consider allocating funds to maintain Wyton Churchyard? Simon Summers welcomed the suggestion and took an action to discuss with Mike Batchelor. 3. Can you confirm the donation to the Royal British Legion is that from the collection? It was confirmed. Acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Jenny Thompson, seconded by Bill Brown, all in favour. The Chair thanked Simon for his work on the accounts throughout the year. 5. Fabric, Goods and Ornaments Report is included in the main Annual Report so nothing further to add. All is well! 6. Huntingdon Deanery Synod Report. The Synod continues to meet 4 times a year and the focus for 2018 was on the reorganisation of parishes, the church plant of St Barnabas in Huntingdon and the work of the secondary schools co-ordinator. There was a suggestion that the congregation would benefit from seeing future minutes from PCC and Deanery Synod meetings. It was agreed that minutes from those meetings and from the St Mary’s Strategy Working Group, will be published on the church web site and printed on the church notice board in the porch for all to see. We will also consider adding highlights to the weekly pew sheets to keep all informed. 7. Election of PCC members took place with Debbie Hollis being re-elected for another term (proposed by Graham Sterne, seconded by Jeanie Batchelor, all in favour). New members were elected; Roger Churchill and Andrew Taylor are welcomed to the PCC (proposed by Sandra Blakes, seconded by Simon Summers, all in favour). Members leaving the PCC include Sue Feakes, Charlotte Saunderson and Hayley Challinor. 8. Election of Deputy Church Wardens took place and Joy Bell was duly elected. There remains a vacancy for a Deputy Church Warden. 9. Election of Electoral Roll Officer took place with Richard Ashford duly elected (proposed by Paul Bowerman, seconded by Liz Sterne, all in favour). 10. Election of Sidespeople took place with all 17 re-elected and thanked by Sandra Blakes for all their hard work. The Chair thanked Sandra for organising rotas. A request was made for more sidespeople, especially at the 0830 services. Guy Morton shared our intention to recruit ‘greeters’ to meet people as they come in to church services and asked for interested parties to make themselves known. 11. Election of Gift Aid Secretary took place with Ray King-Underwood agreeing to continue (proposed by Simon Summers, seconded by Barbara Midgley, all in favour). 12. Appointment of Independent Examiner took place with Ray King-Underwood agreeing to continue (proposed by Mike Batchelor, seconded by Simon Summers, all in favour). 13. AOB Jenny Thompson announced the Coffee Pot will be closing after 10 years on 21 May 2019. The Chair thanked Jenny and Shirley Brown for their service to the Coffee Pot over the years. Sandra Blakes thanked those on the coffee rota and noted that we are trying to reduce the use of non-reusable cups so those that can were requested to bring their own cup to services were possible. 14. Date, time for 1st meeting of new PCC will be 30 May 2019, after the 7pm service of Holy Communion for Ascension Day, in the St Mary’s Centre Closing remarks: The Chair thanked everyone for sustaining the life of St Mary’s in his absence over the last year.
Diocesan Vision: We pray to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ
Latest PCC and Fabric Committee Minutes