If you are interested in giving to the work of the parish church of St Mary, Houghton and Wyton, we recommend joining the Parish Giving Scheme. This is a church run not for profit company registered in 2014 (Registered Charity 1156606) which processes payments on behalf of Anglican churches.The main elements of the scheme are as follows:-√Donations are collected by direct debit from the donor’s bank account on the 1st of the month√These are then paid into the PCC bank account on the 10th of the month√Tax is claimed on the donor’s behalf and paid into the PCC bank account usually by the 20th √Provides the option for the donor to increase donations annually by inflationTo help you make your decision please note the following:-√You do not need online banking to use PGS√You can choose to give monthly, quarterly, or annually and how much you want to give√You do not have to be a taxpayer to join√You can change the amount at any timeTo join the scheme, you can either:-Ring 03330021271 and quote the church reference number 140614163,OrIf you have a mobile phone that reads QR codes you can set it up online with the following code
Or click this button:
If you have any questions, please ring Ray King-Underwood on 01480 469636You can also visit the scheme website at www.parishgiving.org.uk
If you are interested in giving to the work of the parish church of St Mary, Houghton and Wyton, we recommend joining the Parish Giving Scheme. This is a church run not for profit company registered in 2014 (Registered Charity 1156606) which processes payments on behalf of Anglican churches.The main elements of the scheme are as follows:-√Donations are collected by direct debit from the donor’s bank account on the 1st of the month√These are then paid into the PCC bank account on the 10th of the month√Tax is claimed on the donor’s behalf and paid into the PCC bank account usually by the 20th √Provides the option for the donor to increase donations annually by inflationTo help you make your decision please note the following:-√You do not need online banking to use PGS√You can choose to give monthly, quarterly, or annually and how much you want to give√You do not have to be a taxpayer to join√You can change the amount at any timeTo join the scheme, you can either:-Ring 03330021271 and quote the church reference number 140614163,OrIf you have a mobile phone that reads QR codes you can set it up online with the following code
Or click this button:
If you have any questions, please ring Ray King-Underwood on 01480 469636You can also visit the scheme website at www.parishgiving.org.uk