Toilet facilities are available in the St Mary's Centre on Chapel Lane across the churchyard (turn right out of the porch and take the diagonal path, the St Mary's Centre is the former chapel facing you}. A sidesperson will be happy to direct you. If you wish to know more about our parish and our various activities, then please visit our Website at:
Contacts: Revd Geoff Boucher, The Rectory, 3 Rectory Lane, Wyton, PE28 2AQ, 01480 461846Church Wardens: Mike Batchelor: 01480 300390 Guy Morton: 01480 494641
Should anyone need assistance of any kind, i.e. shopping, medicines etc. please contact: Lane Thompson at the Timebank on 01480 467209 or 07484 524180 or
Should anyone need assistance of any kind, i.e. shopping, medicines etc. please contact: Lane Thompson at the Timebank on 01480 467209 or 07484 524180 or houghtonwytontimebank@gmail.comContacts:Revd Geoff Boucher, The Rectory, 3 Rectory La, Wyton, PE28 2AQ, 01480 461846Church Wardens: Mike Batchelor: 01480 300390Guy Morton: 01480 494641