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Toilet facilities are available in the St Mary's Centre on Chapel Lane across the churchyard (turn right out of the porch and take the diagonal path, the St Mary's Centre is the former chapel facing you}. A sidesperson will be happy to direct you. If you wish to know more about our parish and our various activities, then please visit our Website at:
Contacts: Revd Geoff Boucher, The Rectory, 3 Rectory Lane, Wyton, PE28 2AQ, 01480 461846 Church Wardens: Mike Batchelor: 01480 300390 Guy Morton: 01480 494641
Should anyone need assistance of any kind, i.e. shopping, medicines etc. please contact: Lane Thompson at the Timebank on 01480 467209 or 07484 524180 or
Wanted - Can you be that friendly, smiling face to meet and greet visitors and parishioners on Sunday mornings? If so, please speak to any member of the Clergy, a Churchwarden or any member of the PCC. God’s Gang helpers needed. We are looking for volunteers to help with God’s Gang, to be a second adult for safeguarding purposes. You may need to help the younger children with craft activities. If you are interested, talk to Liz Lee or Wendy King  Underwood. After Service Coffee Cups - As an alternative to using polystyrene cups, we would encourage you to bring your own cup which can then be filled with your choice of tea, coffee or juice. All things bright and beautiful  Join the cleaning team to keep our church this way - see Sarah Griffiths for more information.
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Should anyone need assistance of any kind, i.e. shopping, medicines etc. please contact: Lane Thompson at the Timebank on 01480 467209 or 07484 524180 or Contacts: Revd Geoff Boucher, The Rectory, 3 Rectory La, Wyton, PE28 2AQ, 01480 461846 Church Wardens: Mike Batchelor: 01480 300390 Guy Morton: 01480 494641